I've only been to one bachelorette party. It was a little disappointing. There weren't any Chippendale type guys with 6-pack abs dancing in bikini briefs. It was a tame party. Just a bunch of women drinking a little too much and trying to embarrass my niece Jessica, the bride to be.
Earlier in the day, I was invited to go with them to Spencer's to purchase gifts for the party, but I had already committed to a sight-seeing tour of the Smoky Mountains. I sent some money with a friend from the other side of the family and asked her to get edible underwear from me. Just in case you've never heard of edible panties, they are made out of multi-colored candy that look like Sweet Tarts and strung on elastic thread and then fashioned into a string bikini.
I actually had a lovely gift for the bride, but hey, a person has to embrace the spirit of the party. That evening we gathered in one of the hotel rooms, and the fun began. My mother probably wasn't having a good time at all. She appeared to be the only teetotaller present. She didn't 'party hearty.'
The bride, my brother's step-daughter, received a lot of sexy lingerie and finally opened the gift from me. We had put Mom's name on it as well. When Jessica realized the edible panties were from her step-father's sister and his MOTHER she thought it was just WRONG!
So I gave her the gift that had been planned for months.
"Here Darlin', this is your real present."

She had requested that I make her a quilt and it must have a lot of orange in honor of her alma mater, the University of Tennessee Volunteers. She allowed me a lot of leeway with the pattern, and I chose a speed piecing design. My mom paid for the fabric, and a professional quilted it.
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